Healthy Food Choices For The Winter – Winter Nutrition Diet Posted in: Sport Nutrition – Tags: winter diet, winter nutrition
Why do some people practically do not get sick in the winter, while others do not have time to recover, as they fall ill again? It’s all about immunity, which directly depends on the nature of the diet. The winter diet should contain a sufficient amount of substances for the normal functioning of the whole body, including the immune system.
Unfortunately, in winter there are many factors that negatively affect the functioning of the immune system. This is a low temperature, its differences between the street and the room, a lack of sunlight due to the short daylight hours. All this is aggravated by the lack of fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, greens in the diet with a general imbalance in the diet.
Why is it difficult to lose weight in winter?
Naturally, a decrease in air temperature in winter leads to an increase in the body’s energy consumption. The body, in turn, more willingly consumes high-calorie food and the one from which you can get energy as quickly as possible – these are, first of all, fats and “fast” carbohydrates. After all, fat is not only an excellent source of energy, but also a substrate for its conservation – increasing body fat mass. And, the thicker the layer of fat in the body, the more reliably we are protected from frost. “Fast” carbohydrates, in turn, make it possible to quickly obtain energy and not only use it, but also store it, including in the form of fat.
How to eat properly in winter?
As part of observing the rules of a healthy diet, the body must be given the correct sources of nutrients necessary for a normal existence in conditions of low temperatures outside the window and warmth in the room. These are, first of all, fish, vegetable oils (olive, linseed, sunflower), cereals (preferably in the form of whole grains or sprouts), cabbage (preferably fresh), carrots, onions, garlic, fresh herbs, pomegranates, citrus fruits, nuts…
Remember the warming properties of spices – ginger, cinnamon, cloves. And, if you want to warm up with food or drink, give preference to ginger tea with cinnamon, mint and lemon.
Misconceptions about food choices in winter
- One of the most common misconceptions is the consumption of large quantities of non-seasonal fruits, berries and vegetables, which not only will not strengthen health and immune protection in the frosty period, but, on the contrary, can serve as an additional antigenic load on the body. An alternative to them can be the products listed above, special fortified food products, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes with plant components and other natural sources of substances necessary for the body.
- Some consider to consume more calories and gaining weight, in the hope of “losing” it in the warm season. Such an attitude towards one’s own health is fraught with fluctuations in weight on the one hand and provocation of its further gain on the other. This does not add to the chances of maintaining a full-fledged immune defense of the body.
- Another misconception is related to the previous one – refusal to follow a diet for weight loss in winter. There is no reason for this with a normal lifestyle and the absence of contraindications – for example, fever, acute respiratory infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute diseases. On the contrary, abrupt abandonment of the previously observed diet will lead to a “swing” effect. And in winter, it is important to correctly use an excellent addition to the diet – physical activity, which allows you to spend unnecessary calories in the fresh air and create a good mood, which is the key to effective weight loss and maintaining a stable weight and health.
In winter, it is important to adhere to the following simple dietary rules.
- Follow the rules of a healthy diet.
- Remember the drinking regime – at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. It can be compotes, jelly, herbal teas, fruit drinks, and of course, plain water.
- Compensate competently for insufficient intake of essential vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances with the help of specially developed vitamin and mineral complexes and fortified foods.
- When choosing food products, give preference to products of local origin.
- Remember the benefits of dried fruits, herbs, spices that help maintain health in the winter.